Sunday, July 13, 2008

Flying Tackle Hugs

Technically I should be working, studying, or writing my application essay right now, however I strive to minor in procrastination so instead you get to read about my day...

It is fairly pathetic that the most dangerous thing I do anymore is go to church. Sounds funny, but that is the only place I still need to wear my sling. And given my 100% injury aggravation rate at Change Point I should just stop going. Instead I got guilt tripped into an indoor playground full of 32 four and five year olds. I seem to have this really fun gift of little kids instantly liking complaints there. (It would be really cool than if my school interview was done by five-year olds!) Anyway I was sitting on the floor playing dinosaurs relatively quietly with six of the kids when from out of nowhere this little boy comes flying through the air dead at me and wraps his arms around my neck knocking both of us over backwards. He had climbed up on one of the support beams with the express purpose of getting a swinging start to launch himself into my lap and give me a flying tackle hug. I have to say the kid has good aim. I pointed out my quite obvious sling and told him that we need to be careful not to hurt it anymore. To which he responds.."but I LIKE you." Okay, different approach...I then told him he could only attack my other side ..."but you're my friend" Now tell me how you can't laugh at that. I had only meet this little boy five minutes ago. I gave up and carefully watched to make sure he always stayed on my right side after that.

Don't ask me where this thought leap came from, but it seemed that usually friends are the ones that hurt you the most. Yet it's always worth it, easy to forgive, and usually ends up making you laugh too.


At July 17, 2008 at 5:55 AM , Blogger Tabitha said...

I hope with all of this, you will at least entertain the kids at go into pedatrics with your med school.


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