Monday, January 14, 2008

Sometimes God is obvious

It's great when people affirm you, but it's even better when God does it. Sunday I got a little affirmation that said 'no you're not over the top and you are on the right path.' I love how God will use reoccurring messages to get your attention too.

Saturday night I was reading a page written by my friend Ross. He was deciding what kind of physician he was going to be. Not as far as specialties, but personality and spiritually wise. He's making those decisions now so he can set goals and take steps that will put him on the path God intended for him. (Maybe some of that is a little too inferred, but I hope I know Ross well enough - his page is on the side bar too)

Next Sunday morning I went to Girdwood Chapel. Pastor Jim was talking about our identity and the masks we wear with others to be accepted. He included a quote (if you want I'll find out the author)..."The world will ask you who you are and if you don't have an answer the world will give you one"... Wow does that resonate true! And it seems to me that the answer the world will so generously provide is not the one our heart would have chosen. There's a song that says "You've got to stand for something or you'll far for anything." How can we stand up to temptations if we only say yup that's bad and go on our way without consciously deciding and planning to combat it. When we address who we are and where we are going it makes the choices in the moment more clear cut. I'm not saying that we won't be tempted, only that Satan has lost one of his favorite attack angles. Things are more easily dismissed when we can confidently say..."I'm not a liar", "I'm not an adulterer", "I'm not a murderer" (which by the way according to Jesus we commit murder every time we hate our neighbor, brother, other driver, classmate...)

Onward with the "coincidences", I went to Change Point next and Karl was asking 'Are we a common follower, luke warm, and tepid? Are we settling for just what we can produce in ourselves?'(Greatly paraphrased)Or is Christ alive in us and we are stepping out of the safe common group.I don't know how to write it without appearing to just be about actions. It's more. It's also saying - God take the controls, not just the map like a driver not trusting the passenger with the directions, and ending up in a bad section of town.

We also had a "Come as you wish you were" event at youth group that night, but I'm already being way too long winded.
So this is who I am:
I am a passionate follower of Christ.
I fear being accepted by the world and compromised in my beliefs, not the other way around.
According to the bible the Spirit is alive in me therefore I know I am:
I am kind and loving
I am gentle
I am good
I am patient and self-controlled
I am faithful
I am at peace
I am joyful

And even cooler yet - this is what he his written for you as well.


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