pictures and summaries
Pictures from:
the Jungle: Puyo, Shell, Tena
Hacienda of Hope (the orphange north of Quito)
Well the easiest part's what did I learn and experience...
First off those of you who are hoping to here of huge miracles and massive impacts...keep reading you won't find it here and I think that's the point I really need to bring back...God's in the ordinary. He's there when you're stuck in traffic, there when your doing the laundry or dishes, he's there in a smile, and a simple conversation you thought never meant anything and may not of at the time. It's easy for us to pray God do something big, show me your presence. Or to think that we need to go to church to encounter him. But if we set our minds to look for the magnificent we will miss the everyday blessings and joys. For homework go read 1Kings 19:11-13. Just kidding, I do suggest it but I'm not here to preach and tell you what to do. I'm here to share Christ's love through my actions and experiences.
Second: Throwing money at a problem won't work. It was disheartening to see that the problem wasn't due to lack of charity and money. It was because of the lack of infrastructure and people to implement positive change. Change to help permanently, not just enable the lifestyle they're in. It's extrememly sad to see TVs and empty soda bottles everywhere with raw sewage in the street and a diet of only white rice with no nutritional value. Education does wonders. It takes people, not necessarily skilled people either. Some of this comes from talking with Adam about Hatti too. Our charity without people interacting does more harm than good.
Third: Walk in Faith and even if you get it wrong God will bless the situation if your heart is right. Believe it or not, God's not sitting up there weaving this huge puzzle with vague hints just waiting to smite you if you get it wrong. Sounds funny put that way...but I was really afraid of that for a while. Talk about a relief.
Four: Evanglism--People need to experience God's love through US before they can really listen to his word through us. My favorite quote is "Spread the gospel at all times using words when necessary" I wish I knew who said it. Any ideas? If we don't open our hearts, lives, and homes to people how will they see in us any difference? How will they see this love God has that we talk about?
Fifth: When you look at doing God's work as a priveledge, all of a sudden you're grateful for the opportunity to be part of it. Grateful to pull over and help someone with a flat tire. Grateful to be smile and be friendly to that cashier that's had a long day. Grateful to see a hitchhiker. Grateful for the phone call from that person you never really want to talk to anyway...
Sixth: And part of this comes from women's bible study tonight...Unity. I'm praying for a revolution. I revolution that defines our faith by how we walk as followers of Christ and not by rules, rituals, and pin-pointed beliefs. In Ecuador everyone wanted to know if we were Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, etc... We are God's children. Ephesians talks so much on the unity of the body. And no we can't do it as just one person...but if we don't take that step as an individual it can't happen at all.
I'm getting kicked out right now. Please feel free to comment and debate.
God bless you all, especially those not reading this too.
Becki, Jim here. Again, I like what you have to say. I think you have a real good perspective on your experience and I'd love for you to take a Sunday evening with the youth to share about it.
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