Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Family life abroad is cool

Another day at the HDE (Hacienda del Esperanza for short). I didn't get to play with the kids today :-( I actually spent the entire day sewing but the school curtains are done so the kids will have no glare on their computer screens. I can't believe they even have computers at a third world country orphanage school. I actually got really frustrated for a short while today. I wanted to come here and do something special. Selfishly I wanted to contribute something to God's Kingdom and the people here, but all I was doing was stuff that almost anyone with a heart could do. Like I said short lived frustration...I realized that's what it was though. God doesn't need me to do his work (yes I already knew that)and neither did these people here. What they needed was anyone. Someone. Someone to step up and say I'll follow, I'll serve, I'll go wherever you want me to. Just like thousands of Christains (and to-be followers of Christ) are doing silently and loyally every day. I'm proud to be counted in that number of nameless, normal, caring people. Reading the guest book from the Vozandes Hospital volunteer house there were people coming to serve from as far away as West Africa! That amazed me. The other thing that has really been changing the way I think is the number of families that are doing this. I wanted to mention a few...

First off, in Girdwood, AK--The Rogersons. Asa and Alicia have taken their children AJ, Brody, and Skyer (9 through 6?) on a year road trip of following God's lead as literally as it gets. They are currently living in the church parking lot in an RV leading up the construction on our church for the entire summer! The joy in those kids eyes and the model of living they are learning from their parents makes me miss Girdwood right now. I cannot even begin to say what an encouragement and influence this family has had on me for this short period of time.

Then in Shell, Ecuador we have Paul, Arles, Andy and Emily as mentioned in a previous post.

Also in Shell, Ecuador--the Welch's. I've only met this family once so I probably won't get all the names right. Feel free to comment with a correction. Celeste and Keith moved down to Ecuador with their 4 children, Brooke, Courtney, Natalie, and Valarie. Just moved! To help with the orphanage down there that has 26 kids and not enough room or help or funding from what I saw. Here's the really cool thing. Their youngest daughter had major health problems, but I have been told she's looking up miracurously. I can't even fathom the faith to follow God and move my child like that to Ecuador! Yet they are being blessed... I really wish I could have gotten to know this family more.

Still in Shell although now I really don't know children's names of approxiamate ages...are the number of doctors who moved down here with their families from the states to provide health care to an area that is in so much need.

Justin and Amanda from Tabacunda, Ecuador are here with the daughter Isabel(5ish) and Illianna(1). They are from HDE and Isabel is bilingual and spends her time playing with the other kids just like any other little girl from the states...

That's what I can think of right now.

These families have shown me a great example of how families can center their lives around the good of others and God and still be normal families. What a blessing these parents are providing to their children of values, love, service, and compassion. This is one great way to combat self-centeredness. I can't wait to have my own family, maybe not to move but at least a new kind of family vacation...just whatever God calls for. And I guess that's the other key point I need to hit here. It's all where he wants us at what time. The path is never the same for everyone, or any two people. Some of us are called to remain in our home towns. There's a ton of life, light, and love needed in the US. Yet some are called to go further and I'm saying a prayer for anyone out there who is being called but is feeling uncertain or tuning it out for family safety. There are blessings and opportunities more than we can know and God's plan is the best. He says He will never refuse our prayer for wisdom. I'm praying for the wisdom of seeing his plan without bias of fear. I'll pray the same for you. Good night and God bless.


At July 27, 2007 at 7:55 PM , Blogger Jim said...

Good post, Becki. I look forward to more stories and pictures when we both return to Girdwood. It's been fun reading this when I've been able to log in on vacation.


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