Tuesday, June 3, 2008

If Only Icy-Hot made bubble bath...

Today was a good day...there was a bunch of work this morning which is good when it has been scarce for a while. However, the initial estimate looked like I had 30 hours to do in 2 days and still make it to class, study, fire dept, and maybe sleep? Not sure about that last one. I cut out eating a couple days ago and that helped with the time management. Thankfully, my boss cut me loose an hour early with the promise of working late tonight so I could go study for my organic chem test that I had by no means spent enough time on. I was just on the verge of panic.

But the test went well, God's so cool. I'm glad my study partner invented organic chem. I know I said that about Biology too, but what can I say he is busy AND talented! At the end there was only one question I wasn't quite sure of. Afterwards all my potential hiking partners bailed, but that was fine, I really needed to get some work done anyway.

Back at work...I just flew through all of it. It's still got to go back for comments and then I'll do the final touches, but if stuff really collapses (not the structure of course!) the first run through will suffice for now. I even made it home just before 1am. I took the dogs for a walk, baked breakfast for tomorrow morning (Yes), and even washed some dishes (if you remember from up top those are at least 3 days old, eeeew.) And that leaves me where I am now, studying (with a short break) and wishing that icy-hot would make a bubble bath for my pathetic shoulder. That would just make today end perfectly.


At June 12, 2008 at 3:58 PM , Blogger Tabitha said...

Work for you is always a good thing. But for me sometimes I wish I didn't have nearly the amount that I do. Some people just came be so stupid. Cutting out eatting isn't a good way to help with time management. For a short time it might help, but after a while food becomes very important to you or your work won't!!! And lastly, and will agree that Icy-Hot needs to come out with a bubble bath.


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